On 21 February, European Facilities for Analysis met in Brussels in a cooperation meeting organised by LEAPS. This consortium consists of representatives from LEAPS, LENS, RADIATE, DREAMS, LaserLab Europe, and EMFL.
The Chair of LEAPS Caterina Biscari started the meeting with an overview of LEAPS, followed by the approach to the HE missions presented by Mirjam van Daalen vice-chair of the LEAPS Coordination Board, based on the “LEAPS Position paper on the Horizon Europe Missions”. After that, all consortia shared their vision on their input to the missions.

– The first step of this positive collaboration clearly showed that together we would be able to successfully reach the common goal of tackling Horizon Europe missions and truly make a difference, says Caterina Biscari, Chair of LEAPS and Director of ALBA Synchrotron.
As a first outcome of the meeting, it was decided to create a joint position paper which will be presented when LEAPS meet with the European Parliament later this year in Brussels.