May 14 to 19, 2023 – Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Elba Island, Italy
Registrations open / Abstract Submissions open
On the charming island of Elba, in May 2023, the frontiers of Life Sciences meet the cutting-edge developments of Large Facilities.
LEAPS – the League of European Accelerator based-Photon Sources is organizing its 2023 Conference LEAPS Meets Life Sciences Conference. During five residential days, participants will have the opportunity to hear from a slate of inspiring, thought, and research leaders in the areas of New Biology, Unmet Medical Needs, Correlative Imaging, and Structural Dynamics. The participants will contribute with selected talks and posters to the scientific discussion by submitting their own work.
The following prominent scientists, working at the forefront of their fields, will be presenting their research and strategic insights into important areas of life sciences and technology developments at the LEAPS Meets Life Sciences Conference:
- Oded Beja, Technion, Israel
- Henry Chapman, DESY, Germany
- Roger Falcone, Berkeley University of California, USA
- Michael Henning, LeadXpro, Switzerland
- Matthew Higgins, University of Oxford, UK
- Amadeu Llebaria, IQAC-CSIC, Spain
- Richard Neutze, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Allen Orville, Diamond, UK
- Arwen Pearson, University Hamburg, Germany
- Jana Selent, ERNEST/Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
- Thomas Schulthess, CSCS Lugano, Switzerland
- David Stuart, University of Oxford / Diamond, UK
- Beatrice Vallone, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy
- Adrian Wanner, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
- Winfried Weissenhorn, IBS, Grenoble, France
- Peijun Zhang, Diamond, UK
A complete list of scientific topics and an overview of the preliminary program are available on the conference website.
In addition to invited talks, the conference has designated time for poster sessions and selected talks from individuals of all career stages. Communal meals, afternoon excursions, and free time will allow for informal networking opportunities between the participants and leaders in the field. Fostering interactions among scientists of all career stages will be at the center of the event, as well as fostering networking among engineers, physicists and, life scientists.
The LEAPS Meets Life Sciences Conference is chaired by Caterina Biscari, LEAPS Vice Chair, ALBA Director. The scientific program is chaired by Prof. Gebhard Schertler, Head of the Biology and Chemistry Division at the Paul Scherrer Institute and Kristina Djinovic Carugo Head of the EMBL Grenoble. Contributing to shaping the program and the conference organization is a select list of scientific and organizing committee members.
The goals of the LEAPS Meets Life Sciences conference are to:
- Present an overview on state-of-the-art scientific and technological achievements and how current X-ray probes and large facilities contribute to this field
- Create a platform for the interaction of different communities to interact and define needs and challenges for the decade to come
- Devote tutorial sessions on emerging biology and emerging technology implementations at large facilities
- Motivate the next generation of scientists and engineers to use extensively the outstanding opportunities at the large facilities within the LEAPS Consortium
- Initiate an open discussion between life sciences and large facilities to guide an European-wide strategy
To encourage the participation of the future generation of Life Sciences, Natural Sciences and Engineering researchers LEAPS is offering a limited number of student grants targeting Master and PhD students. For those submitting an abstract and selected by the selection committee expenses will be supported.
We also collaborate with the ERNEST GPCR Network to provide additional Grants for students and young investigators from the ERNEST network. ERNEST in collaboration with LEAPS will select outstanding and suitable candidates to attend the conference.
Visit the Student Grants page for more details and how to apply.
May 14 to 19, 2023
Hotel Hermitage, La Biodola Bay, Elba Island
Visit the Venue/Travel page for more information about how to reach the venue.
The conference has a limited number of places. Interested participants will be required to submit an abstract or inform the reason for attendance.
A pre-registration will be required from all interested participants. To pre-register for the event fill out the LEAPS Conference 2023 – Pre-Registration form.
Abstracts submitted will be reviewed. Contributions will be presented as posters, a limited number of outstanding contributions will be selected for talks during the program.
Visit the Call for Abstracts page for more information and to submit your abstract.
Registration Fee
800 EUR
Those selected to attend the event will be required to complete the registration and pay the registration fee after notification of acceptance. The registration fee will cover: all meals and social events (welcome cocktail, lunches, dinners, cheese and wine during poster session, coffee breaks), excursions, shuttle buses and ferry tickets in the transfer to and from La Biodola.
Hotel Accommodation
The LEAPS2023 Conference will take place at the Hotel Hermitage located in La Biodola, Isola d’Elba, Italy. Participants will be accommodated in Hotel Hermitage and in Hotel Biodola.
Each participant will pay directly the accommodation costs to the hotel chosen. This is not included in the registration fee.
Visit the Hotel Accommodation page for more details and prices.